Capturing the social fabric of Britain
We wanted to create a visual concept communicating the theme of Ego Ella May’s song inspired by the windrush scandal and social conflicts around Brexit and Grenfell Tower; reflecting on these political dynamics while celebrating the rich social landscape of the UK in a sensitive and conscientious style

I used a stylised documentary lens to breathe new life into the representation of Britain's social landscape; fashioning stories which engage with the personal roles of people's lives; as fathers, mothers, sisters, lovers. I intentionally cast people that juxtaposed the rise of nationalism post Brexit, and referenced the tragedy of Grenfell tower and the Windrush scandal, through emotive, dreamlike sequences.
Working with an intergenerational crew from diverse backgrounds behind and in front of the camera, we fostered a depth of beauty in each individual’s narrative. The conscientiously crafted narrative of these stories was set against a backdrop of iconic London areas and the Sussex coastline.
Working with an intergenerational crew from diverse backgrounds behind and in front of the camera, we fostered a depth of beauty in each individual’s narrative. The conscientiously crafted narrative of these stories was set against a backdrop of iconic London areas and the Sussex coastline.